
Monday, March 25, 2013

Please VOTE for Grandparenting Through Obstacles!

Another one of my books has been nominated for "Book of the Year" at Christian Small Publishers Association! Voting is open through March 31, so please vote now! I need your vote if my book is to win.

Would you please click through right now and cast your vote for Grandparenting Through Obstacles here?  It's in the "Family / Relationships" category which is the second category down. The book is on the right (third row of books down) with the blue cover. This is the book I co-authored with Renee Gray-Wilburn.

If you want to check out the book further, read the reviews on Amazon or check out some pages on Amazon's "Look Inside the Book" feature.

After you vote you can snag a print or an e-copy of the book from Amazon for Kindle or for Nook.

You have the opportunity to vote for your favorite books in several categories. A Familiar Shore, in the fiction category, is published by the same publisher and I know Jennifer would appreciate your vote too.

It would help me a lot if you'd ask your friends to vote also. You can send them here for the link.

Thank you for voting for one of my books . . . again. As you know, winning "Book of the Year" is great publicity, lets readers know it's a fine book, and would help get the word out about Grandparenting Through Obstacles: Overcoming Family Challenges to Reach Your Grandchildren for Christ so people who need it will hear about it.