
Monday, July 20, 2015

Seen the Planned Parenthood Video? Now Watch My Short Film: The Choice

I'm still thinking about all the people haunted by the revelation what of Planned Parenthood is doing and the recent video that surfaced. In my previous post we recognized that video about Planned Parenthood must be bringing up some awful feelings and memories for some.

We also talked about the love God has for you, even if you are one of the millions who has lost a child to abortion. (Tweet that!)

That was the very topic of the short movie I co-produced with my husband a few years ago.

You can watch our short film on YouTube. It runs only 10 minutes.

It is based on Chris Jackman's true story told in my book Deliver Me. The story is also titled "The Choice," page 74.

Thanks to my film crew, we also have a 2-minute trailer for our film. Here are both, the trailer first, then the film:


2nd #PlannedParenthood #video today. Were u a client? Haunted? Here's #Mercy&Love. (Tweet that!)

#PlannedParenthood Lost a child to #abortion? Find relief, love, and forgiveness from #God. (Tweet that!)

Related Post:

Please share this post with your friends and contacts. Thank you.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

This Breaking News Planned Parenthood Video HAS to Be Bringing Up Horrible Memories for Some -- Here's Love and Relief

Deliver Me
Get Delivered from your pain after abortion
This week news broke about a video showing an official at Planned Parenthood discussing the sale of body parts of aborted fetuses.

As horrendous as this news is, I'm wondering about all of the people who have an abortion in their past -- both women and men. Somewhere around 50 million women. Plus a similar number of men. This constant news story has GOT to be bringing up horrendous feelings and memories and more. (Tweet that!)

If you're in that group, or know someone who is, please know this book was written with you in mind -- not to add to your pain by condemning you, but instead to tell you that you are loved. You can be forgiven. You do not have to continue through life carrying this.

If you have experienced losing a child to abortion, and if you are hurting over it -- whether it was 5 months ago or 50 years ago -- you can find relief, love, and forgiveness from God. (Tweet that!)

I know, I know. If you have that condemning inner voice hounding you, telling you this is something God could never forgive, then what I just said about God forgiving must sound pretty unbelievable. But believe it. It's true. (Tweet that!)

In this book, ten women and several men shared their stories. They've been there. They know. They found that unbelievable forgiveness. They didn't believe it existed either, but they found it. And they wanted to share their stories so you could find it too. (Tweet that!)

It's all this book. Find 10 stories from women in chapter 4. Discover more stories from men in chapter 5. Order it now. Read it in the privacy of your home or room or space. I promise you'll find nothing but love and encouragement.

You've lived with it long enough. It's time you were delivered from your pain. Just turn to God and say, "Deliver me!"

Monday, July 13, 2015

Writers: Have You Discovered My Blog Just For You?

Dianne contributed to all these
books and more not pictured.
Are you a writer? Or would you like to be a writer?

If you haven't discovered it yet, I write a monthly column for writers at

This is a photo of just some of the twenty books I've contributed to. I've also written 400+ articles for print magazines and online sites, six books of my own, and screenplays. I share from my experiences to help other writers on their journey in publication. (Tweet that!)

Topics we've covered include 25 ways to market your books, using Twitter to market your books, one-sentences to help you focus your articles (or book chapters), dealing with disappointment, how you might see your writing project on the silver screen, and oh so much more.

You can find a list of all the contents on this blog here:

If you would like to receive each month's blog post in your email inbox, you can subscribe by using the signup box in the upper right hand corner of that blog at Be sure to use the first signup box at the very top. The second sign up box is for my newsletter. Sign up for that if you want to be first to know what I have coming out next and other news about what I'm up to. (That's the same newsletter you'll get using the signup box in the upper right of this blog page.)

If you know any writers, please let me know about my Dianne E. Butts About Writing Blog. It has a wealth of helps and information for writers, authors, and screenwriters.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Have you discovered my Bible Prophecies Fulfilled Blog? Discover it now!

An image from Dianne's Bible Prophecies Fulfilled blog.
If you haven't yet discovered my blog Bible Prophecies Fulfilled, you may want to visit for some Bible teaching and discussions on what we are seeing happen in our world today that appear to be prophecies in the Bible that are being fulfilled right before our very eyes.

If you know me, you know my "big thing" is to study the Bible and then share what I've learned. I love to teach about the Bible. (Tweet that!) And I have been a "prophecy geek" for as long as I can remember.

As a matter of fact it was in part my interest in prophecy that brought me to know the Lord Jesus as Savior.

Today I see so much going on in our world that is directly related to Bible prophecy. I firmly believe we are seeing the "End Times" prophecies fulfilled on the evening news virtually every day. (Tweet that!)

I have a passion to share what I'm seeing on the news and what I'm seeing in the Bible.
Dianne's "Shemitah" image made for her
 Bible Prophecies Fulfilled blog.

My Bible "Prophecies Fulfilled" series of books was one outlet for sharing the explosion of information. But I had so much more material to share than I could put in the books. Plus more is happening literally every day. And so I opened a blog for another outlet, and a more immediate outlet, for sharing this ever accumulating load of prophetic information.

Currently we are talking about the "Shemitah," which is literally "the LORD's release" and is coming on September 13, 2015.

Significant world events have occurred on the previous two Shemitahs and I have no reason to believe this one will be any different. If you don't know about the Shemitah, you must (in my opinion!) learn about it soon. Even now! So hop on over to my Bible Prophecies Fulfilled blog and get caught up.

If you're familiar with Jonathan Cahn's work on teaching the Isaiah 9:10 prophecy you'll love the blog for that too. We've spent a lot of time explore this topic and many others, including:
We're studying Jonathan Cahn's word about the Isaiah 9:10
prophecy on the Bible Prophecies Fulfilled blog.

  • the total lunar eclipses falling on major Jewish holiday in 2014 and 2015. There's only one more left so get caught up on that topic too.
  • The Jewish Feasts of the LORD and their significance to us.
  • The Jewish calendar.
  • Bible prophecies that have been fulfilled in the past.
And oh so much more. There's such a ton of information over there that I'm trying to compile it all for some new e-books, so please stay tuned for that. Meanwhile, please enjoy all the tons of information about Bible prophecy that is being fulfilled today that I've put on the blog for you. And please share it with your friends, family, and church family. Thanks!

Monday, July 6, 2015

A Lot Has Happened Since My Last Post - Books and E-books and More, Oh My

Dianne's 3-book "Prophecies Fulfilled" series.
A lot has happened since I last posted here. I've had multiple books come out and have published e-books for writers. I've started another blog on Bible Prophecy and have been amazed by its success in terms of numbers of people visiting that blog.

All this and more has kept me so busy that I have not been keeping up with this blog, which is precisely for letting you know what I'm up to!

So here's me trying it again. My plan is to post here twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays, to let my followers and fans know what's going on with my writing work. (Tweet that!)

One of the biggest things that happened for me recently was the publication of the third book in my "Prophecies Fulfilled" series, Prophecies Fulfilled in the Life of Jesus. It's pictured in the center in the image above.

This book was published in April 2014.

Sadly it was in print barely six months before the publisher put the entire series out of print last October.

Never fear though! The books are still available for purchase until the existing printed copies run out. So if you missed any in the series and want to get it to complete your set, you still have time. But quantities are limited so you need to get yours soon.

You may purchase through Amazon by clicking on the yellow "See All Buying Options" button. There, if you purchase from "Connect Press" you're actually purchasing from me and I'll be delighted to send you your book(s).

If you'd like to purchase directly from me and/or if you'd like your copy signed, leave me a comment below in the comments section and I'll get back to you about how you may do that.

It's nice to be back. I'm looking forward to posting more regularly here to let you know what's up with me. In the mean time, poke around the tabs at the top for more info. And be sure to check out the "Books for Writers" I've added to my collection to help any writers out there. (Click on the tab at the top.)

If you'd like to receive these posts via your email, please sign up using the box in the upper right of this blog. Thanks for stopping by.